This is the first picture of Russell Crowe as Jor-El, the father of Superman. The suit looks like a type of formal wear of a militaristic type of society. It has an armor plated shoulder pads almost reminiscent of Lord of the Rings. It has a nice embroidered 'S' which stands for the House of El, the Superman Family Crest. All in all I like the look, you can even somewhat see Superman's costume underneth.
Thor 2 is in the middle of filming some major Battle Scenes. These are filled with explosions and armies and Thor and Sif. Thor 2 will be called Thor: The Dark World and will feature the Dark Elves. This movie is shaping up to be bigger than the last. Lets hope is just as fun and better than the first movie. Sif rides her horse to battle. Thor and Sif together Thor with stunt double
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